The Warwickshire Local Pension Board
The Public Service Pensions Act 2013 introduced changes to the governance arrangements for all public service pension schemes. The Pension Fund Investment Sub-committee is still the decision-making committee for the Fund, but since 2015 the Warwickshire Local Pension Board has been put in place to assist Warwickshire County Council, as the Administering Authority, to:
- Secure compliance with regulations, any other legislation relating to the governance and administration of the Scheme, and requirements imposed by The Pension Regulator in relation to the Scheme.
- To ensure effective and efficient governance and administration of the Schemes.
The Warwickshire Local Pension Board is made up of six voting members and an independent Chair. There are:
- Three employer representatives,
- Three scheme member representatives
- An independent Chair
The Warwickshire Local Pension Board meets four times a year.