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The Warwickshire Pension Fund and Pension Fund Committee

Warwickshire County Council is the Administering Authority for the Warwickshire County Council Pension Fund (Warwickshire Pension Fund – WPF).

Under the cabinet structure in local government, management of the pension fund is a non-executive function, as stated in Section 2 and Schedule 1H of the Local Authorities (Functions and Responsibilities) (England) Regulations SI 2000 No. 2853. Section 101 of the Local Government Act 1972 provides a local authority with the power to delegate certain of its functions to a committee or sub-committee.

The sub-committee is supported by officers and external advisers. The Section 151 Officer (or deputy), the Strategy and Commissioning Officer, Pensions and Investment Manager, all attend meetings, which are held every three months. In addition, the sub-committee appoint external specialists to advise on investments and actuarial matters.

Responsibility for the proper operation of the Warwickshire Pension Fund rests with the Section 151 officer. The Pensions Administration Team is responsible for the calculation and payment of pension benefits and for looking after employer interests in the Warwickshire Pension Fund.