Current employers
Employer guides, forms and newsletters
Employer newsletter
- January 2025 employer newsletter (PDF, 175 KB)
- December 2024 employer newsletter (PDF, 185 KB)
- November 2024 employer newsletter (PDF, 201KB)
- October 2024 employer newsletter (PDF, 185 KB)
Guides for LGPS employers
LGPS regulations and guidance
All the latest LGPS regulations and guidance.
Forms for LGPS employers
- New Entrant form 17 (DOCX, 50.5 KB)
- Notice of termination form (PDF, 156KB)
- Notification Of Changes (DOCX, 59.28 KB)
- Estimate request from Employer (DOCX, 86KB)
- Opt out form to be completed by Employer (DOCX, 51.6 KB)
- Annual Return Template 2019/2020 (XLS, 74KB)
- Employer guide to Ill health retirement in the LGPS (PDF, 2.6 MB)
Ill health medical certificates
Full guide including notes and FAQ is available on the LGPS website under 'Guides and Sample documents'
Review Certificates
- 3rd Tier ill health retirement review certificate for a current 3rd tier pensioner where the cessation of employment occurred after 31st March 2014 - review taking place 18 months after date of cessation of employment (and before normal pension age)
- 3rd Tier Ill health retirement review certificate for a suspended 3rd Tier pensioner where employment ended after 31st March 2014 - review taking place at members request whilst the 3rd tier pension is in payment OR within 3 years of the 3rd tier pension has been discontinued (before normal retirement age)
- 3rd Tier ill health retirement review certificate for a suspended 3rd tier pensioner where the cessation of employment occurred after 31 March 2014 - review taking place 3 or more years after the date of cessation of the 3rd tier pension (and before normal pension age)
- 3rd Tier ill health retirement review certificate for a suspended 3rd tier pensioner where the cessation of employment occurred before 1 April 2014 - review taking place 3 or more years after the date of cessation of the 3rd tier pension (and before normal retirement age)
Current Employee
Deferred Employee
- Ill health certificate for a deferred beneficiary who ceased membership as an employee on or after 1 April 2014
- Ill health certificate for a deferred beneficiary who ceased membership as an employee between 1 April 2008 and 31 March 2014
- Ill health certificate for a deferred beneficiary who ceases membership as an employee between 1 April 1998 and 31 March 2008
- Ill health certificate for a deferred beneficiary who ceased membership as an employee prior to 1 April 1998