Current employers
Quick guide
One of my employees wants to retire and claim their pension
You will need to complete a Notice of Termination form (link) detailing the employees pay details up to their last day of service and forward it to
One of my employees leaves without retiring
All the information that we require to calculate your leavers pension is provided through your i-Connect submission. If after leaving your employee decides to retire, the pensions team will request a Notice of Termination form from you
One of my employees wants to take Flexible Retirement
You will need to complete a Notice of Termination form (link to form) and specify that the member has flexibly retired in section 3.
LGPS Regulation regarding Employer Responsibility
Employer responsibilities and expected standards
Under the LGPS regulations it is a statutory requirement for all employers to provide Warwickshire Pension Fund, as the scheme administrators, with the information we require in order to carry out our duties. Regulation 80 within the LGPS 2013 Scheme Regulations states:
Exchange of information
80. — (1) A Scheme employer must—
(a) inform the appropriate administering authority of all decisions made by the employer under regulation 72 (first instance decisions) or by an adjudicator appointed by the Scheme employer under regulation 74 (applications for adjudication of disagreements) concerning members; and
(b) give that authority such other information as it requires for discharging its Scheme Functions