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About the scheme

New starters

This section holds information for people who are currently paying into the pension scheme.

Who is eligible to join the LGPS?

The Local Government Pension Scheme is an occupational scheme so to join the scheme you need to be employed by an employer who offers the LGPS to its staff. If you do work for a participating employer then they will automatically bring you into the pension scheme when you start your employment. The only exceptions to this are if you have a contract of less than 3 months or are a casual employee.

For more information, A brief guide to the LGPS (DOC, 123 KB) is available. A copy of the full guide (DOC, 417KB) is also available. The LGPS have also produced some videos for further information. View the videos.

The Local Government Association have produced a website specifically for members of the LGPS which is easy to understand and provides clear examples.

New starter forms

If you have recently joined the scheme and started paying contributions from your salary, we ask that you complete the following forms to ensure your pension record is up to date and correct. You will be sent a letter from the pensions team confirming we have received your details from your employer.

Please complete and return the following forms to

You can view your pension record online and check how much your pension could be at retirement. To register for Member Self Service please see our pages on how to access Member Self Service Portal.