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What happens when I retire?

Redundancy retirement process - age 55 plus


Under the pensions regulations, if you are over age 55 and your employer terminates your contract of employment on grounds of redundancy, you are entitled to and must take immediate payment of the benefits relating to that employment.

Under current LGPS regulations, your pension benefits will be calculated up to your date of redundancy and released without an early retirement percentage reduction being applied.

Once approved

You and your employer will agree a date that your contract of employment will be terminated.

Payment of your pension benefits

For Warwickshire Pension Fund to process your pension benefits and arrange payment the following must happen:

Action by employer

Your employer must complete and return a leaver form which includes your salary details for the current year up to the date your contract is terminated.

Action by Warwickshire Pension Fund

On receipt of the fully completed leaver form from your employer, the Warwickshire Pension Fund will arrange the following:

  • provide you with your pension options (you must complete the pension option form and return it to the Fund)
  • bank details form for you to be complete and return to the Fund
  • lifetime allowance declaration – completion and return to the Fund is required by HM Treasury and Customs. This form will ask you to provide details of all other pensions (except state pensions), you are in receipt of or due to receive in the future
  • copy of your birth certificate, plus if applicable copies of your marriage, civil partnership certificates and spouses birth certificate to be forwarded to the Fund
  • nomination of beneficiary form for the lump sum death grant form to be complete and return to the Fund
  • general data protection regulations consent form to be complete and return to the Fund

Please note: from receipt of the completed leaver form to the Fund issuing the above documentation you should allow 10 working days.

Action by you

You must complete and sign the required forms and certificates and return to the Warwickshire Pension Fund in the envelope provided.

Payment of your monthly pension and lump sum

On receipt of your signed and completed forms together with the relevant birth certificates etc., the Fund will:

  • arrange payment of your tax-free pension lump sum into your bank or building society. Please allow 13 working days from the date the Fund receives your completed forms
  • arrange payment of your monthly pension will take place on the next available pay date, together with any arrears of pensions
  • write to you confirming the tax-free pension lump sum paid into your bank or building society, together with information regarding payment of your monthly pension

Overall timescales

As you will note from the date you change your contract of employment, there are several steps or actions that need to take place before you will receive payment of your monthly pension and tax-free lump sum.

Please note: you should allow between 2 and 3 months for the process to be completed.

Under the pension regulations, if payment of your tax-free lump sum is made more than one month after your retirement date, the Fund will pay interest of 1% per annum above the Bank of England base rate calculated for each day the lump sum is delayed.

The monthly pension attracts no interest for late payment. The exception to this is if the annual pension is not paid within the first year following your retirement date.

Please note: your monthly pension is deemed to be taxable income and will be subject to tax deductions in accordance with the Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs rules.