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Contribution Table 2025/2026

Employee contribution bands are effective from 1 April 2025.

All employer contribution bands are set by Warwickshire Pension Fund for individual employers and can be viewed in the triennial valuation. For an explanation as to how the scheme works and the relevance of employer contributions, please visit the Local Government Pension Scheme website which explains ‘how your pension is worked out’.

Band Actual pensionable pay for an employment Main section contribution rate for that employment 50/50 section contribution rate for that employment
1 Up to £17,800 5.5% 2.75%
2 £17,801 to £28,000 5.8% 2.9%
3 £28,001 to £45,600 6.5% 3.25%
4 £45,601 to £57,700 6.8% 3.4%
5 £57,701 to £81,000 8.5% 4.25%
6 £81,001 to £114,800 9.9% 4.95%
7 £114,801 to £135,300 10.5% 5.25%
8 £135,301 to £203,000 11.4% 5.7%
9 £203,001 or more 12.5% 6.25%

To work out how much your pension contribution will be per month, LGPS have provided an online contributions calculator.